It's coming! it's coming! It's coming with a huge scholarship! 3 million yuan scholarship, up to 42 ...
On 1st November, the famous Chinese director, Feng Xiaogang came to Shanghai Vancouver Film School, invited by...
Famous French Actress Juliette Binoche and President Jia Zhangke Attended SHVFS Opening Ceremony of Fall, 2018. ...
In the afternoon of 23rd, August, the 6th concil of Shanghai Vancouver Film School was held in Room 405, 1st building of...
11月的温影X新片场的这场放映活动,伴着淅淅沥沥的小雨和刺骨的寒风,这样恶劣的气候并没有阻挡大家对电影的狂热,百来位观众都积极参与到现场的影片放映、器材分享、惊喜抽奖等活动中。 此次展映的四部挑梁之作再带领大家回顾一下。 ...
What is the meadning of short visit to an overseas university? 游学的意义是什么? 当你踏入美国学校的课堂,和不同肤色的老师、同学围坐一起,用...