Makeup Design for Film & Television


Term 1 Course Description


Career Prep

This course prepares the student for post-graduation life. It introduces students to the many different fields within makeup artistry, and also focuses on developing the research skills that students must have in order to be a working makeup artist. It also educates the student in the history of makeup within the performing arts.


Corrective Makeup

This course lays the groundwork for all future makeups. It introduces the students to the fundamentals of corrective application, product and equipment choices and then develops their “eye”, or ability to discern the needs of each particular performer. This course familiarizes the students with the basics of facial anatomy in terms of bones and muscles specifically, so that they have abetter understanding of the system that supports the canvas (the skin) on which they mustwork.


Digital Media and Design 1

This course introduces the students to the basics of Photoshop, and then develops their design skills. This includes image manipulation, creating layers, and utilizing assorted tools (such as burn, dodge, clone stamp etc). This is intended to provide a solid foundation for the digital makeup design work that they must do later in the program, including creating pages for their portfolio.


Glamour and Fashion

This course introduces the student, by practical application, to using makeupto
create character or communicate an idea. They learn common glamour techniques including false lash
application and ‘smoky’ blending.


Production Skills 1

Here we introduce the students to the ‘language’ of the film set and gives aprimary understanding of the broad scope of the makeup artist’s job, and introduce them to the conceptand importance of continuity. This course also serves to integrate the students with people from other departments and introduces them to the basic workings of a film set. It also focuses on developing their time management skills. This course also expand the students product knowledge, and to educate them in how to shop wisely and avoid the pitfalls of advertising.


Visual Art

In its most basic sense, Visual Art exposes the students to art theory and techniquein mediums outside of makeup application,so that their understanding of makeup can be supported by this wider scope, and thus refined. This course encompasses the following subjects: colour theory, life drawing, photography, chart design, oil painting and airbrush technique. This course extendsthrough Term 2. 



Term 2 Course Description


Digital media & Design 2

This course builds on the students basic knowledge from DMD 01, and further develops their design skills. This is intended to finesse skills and support the digital makeup design work that they must do later in the program, including creating pages for their portfolio.


Glamour and Fashion 2 

This course introduces the students to evolution of make-up styles throughout  the 20th century, via practical application, as well as further refining the students understanding of creating character. As well, there are more advanced fashion based classes that allow them to creatively explore beauty.


Hairstyling and Wigs

This course introduces the students to the very basic concepts of hairstyling, and gives them their first opportunity to be ‘hands on’ with hair. This class introduces the students to the theories and techniques behind hair styling techniques and wig application techniques, including hairprep and cleaning. This course continues on into Term 3.


Makeup Technique

This expansive and detailed course further develops the students understanding of make up creating character, and also how products can be manipulated to achieve certain effects. It also gives them a practical understanding of continuity and the necessity of script breakdowns. This course encompasses the wide range of ‘out of kit” effects (makeup effects created from scratch on set,as opposed to prosthetics pieces that are pre made in a shop). This includes: blood products and theirmany uses, bruising techniques, scrapes and cuts, 3 dimensional effects such as burns or broken noses created with wax sculpture or by application of gelatin. The students are also introduced to proven theory and techniques relating to the realistic re-creation of bullet wounds, their effects and both two-dimensional and three-dimensional application to the performer. Students are exposed to the various materials and challenges presented when creating character teeth effects and are also familiarized with what materials to use when replicating tears for a ‘crying’ scene. They are also introduced to proven theory and technique regarding artificial snow and ice effects, as well as exploring the basic cause and effects, a visual representation, of frostbite and hypothermia.



Term 3 Course Description


Career Prep 2

Students finesse portfolio development skills, and are equipped with the ability to source materials and create budgets, resumes and cover letters, and are familiarized with the many different types of contracts that they may come across during their career. This course begins in Term 3 and picks up again in Terms 4, 5 and 6.


Character Technique 1

This course educates the student, mostly through practical application, in the proper techniques for applying both successful bald caps and successful ‘stretch and stipple’ age makeups. Students also refine their painting and design skills through a series of makeup exercises, including airbrushing, that put their research abilities to the test while allowing them some creative exploration. Students also learn basic hairlaying techniques and wax construction techniques.


Production Skills 2

This course builds on knowledge collected in previous courses, and the students collaborate with a model and a photographer to create a finished makeup and hairstyle for a beauty shoot. Students learn the details of union day calling, read a script and do a script breakdown in this course. They also do individual character breakdown, and work on a film project where they must produce a believable character makeup supported by design charts and continuity photos and notes.


Prosthetics Construction 1

Lifecasting (making an impression of a living being using alginate and plaster) is the first step in the creation of a sculpted prosthetics effect. This course educates the student in best practices, and through both lecture and practical application they will learn face casting, fullhead casting, mouth casting and body casting. Students are introduced to different types of clay while creating a small ‘maquette’ sculpture. They then move on to sculpting on the lifecasts that they created in order to create something that a mould can be made of Sculpts range from human ears and noses to large fullhead character creation. This is followed by practical application class, supplemented by lectures. In it, students learn how to make moulds of their sculpts, and then fill those moulds with liquid gelatin in order to make realistic prosthetics appliances. This course extends through Term 4.



Term 4 Course Description


Character Technique 2

This course gives the student a wider understanding, mostly through practical application, in the proper techniques for creating realistic false facial hair. They also introduced to proven theory and techniques relating to the adhering, painting and removal of gelatin prosthetic appliances.


Production Skills 3

Students do individual character breakdown, and work on a film project wherethey must produce a believable character makeup supported by design charts and continuity photos and notes. 



Term 5 Course Description


Foam Latex Appliances

This course gives the student a wider understanding, mostly through practical application, in the proper techniques for adhering, painting and removal of prosthetic appliances. This course also serves as an introduction to Foam Latex. This course consists  almost completely of practical application classes, supplemented by lectures. In it, students will make sculpts, moulds of their sculpts, and then fill those moulds with foam latex in order to makerealistic prosthetics appliances.


Wigs and Hairpieces

This is a hair course, specifically intended to further develop the students’ abilities to prep, apply and style wigs. Students are become familiar with the special needs (in terms of care and application) of film quality human hair hand-tied wigs with lace fronts. Like lace front wigs, pre- made false moustaches and other hair pieces are hand tied to film grade lace. Students will learn the proper technique for measuring the face (in order to ensure a custom fit), knotting the hair onto the lace (called ventilating), and blocking, trimming,dressing, applying and removing the pieces that they make.


Over–the-head Mask Construction

Many artists use ‘slip’, or dwell-molded latex masks to create detailed (but far less expensive) versions of more complicated animatronics masks, or foam latex appliance make-ups. This course will teach, through lecture and practical application, all the steps necessary to create a full head latex mask. They will further develop their sculpting, mould-making and painting skills, as well as learn hair punching.


Term 6 Course Description


Prosthetics Creation 2

A basic introduction to the theories behind animatronics, and the principles of blood rigs are also explored. Also examined are bald cap creation and bondo transfers, and using silicone as a prosthetic material. This course extends into Term 6.


Silicone Prop Fabrication

Prop fabrication introduces the student to proven theory andtechniques relating to the creation of artificial parts that are completely unattached to a live performer (iesevered limbs, heads). The students will further hone and refine their sculpting, painting and hair punchingskills. This course also introduces the students to the third and final product used for 3 dimensionalspecial effect work – silicone